
Call of duty cold war echoes of a cold war weapons locker key
Call of duty cold war echoes of a cold war weapons locker key

call of duty cold war echoes of a cold war weapons locker key call of duty cold war echoes of a cold war weapons locker key

With Adler off-grid and unresponsive to recall orders, Woods and a hand-picked team of Operators hunt him down and return him to home soil, where Alex Mason uses his unique, firsthand experience of the Numbers Program to break Stitch’s hold over their friend and colleague.ĭuring Adler’s interrogation, it became clear that while he had been comprised, his career-long obsession with hunting down Perseus had allowed him to fight Stitch’s programming to some degree.

call of duty cold war echoes of a cold war weapons locker key

Once you're certain that you've found the correct agents, mark them on your evidence board and wrap up the Operation Red Circus mission.With forensic analysis contradicting Adler’s field report of the mission to recover the downed Satellite in Algeria, and a large-scale brainwashing operation playing out in the wake of the efforts to retake the Echelon listening station, Hudson drew the unthinkable conclusion: Adler had been compromised after being captured by Stitch. This should leave you with three rock solid suspects. If you find that multiple suspects slot in with those dates, remember that you worked out their pronouns using the cassette tape. Using the information you've gathered so far, check the suspects once more to see who matches up with the first set of dates and cities you noted in Franz Kraus's Ledger, and the Dead Drop List. This list mentions the codenames, more cities, and dates. We're getting warmer, but there's one more piece of evidence to examine: the wristwatch. Focus on the pronouns mentioned for each codename to determine the gender of each suspect, and note these down. You'll notice that the codenames mentioned in this report match those in Franz Kraus's Ledger. You should have multiple suspects at this point-you'll begin narrowing this list down as we continue. Refer to your list of suspects and make a note of those who were in these cities on those dates. Examine the ledger and focus on the cities and dates mentioned. Best M4A1 loadout Warzone : Top all-purpose AR buildsīest MP7 loadout Warzone : Effective SMG setupsīest Grau loadout Warzone : Strong AR buildsīest M13 loadout Warzone : Attachments to chooseīest Kilo 101 loadout Warzone : Boost the punchy AR

Call of duty cold war echoes of a cold war weapons locker key